Big Data Analytics

392157/ 392158 Schönhuth/Knop Summer 2021 Thu 10:15-12:00 with a break (V) in ZOOM


The lecture Big Data Analytics develops competencies in performing data mining tasks on very large amounts of data that cannot be stored in main memory. The lecture provides the key ideas of similarity search using minhashing and locality-sensitive hashing, of data stream processing where data arrives so fast that it has to be processed immediately or is otherwise lost, of Web-related algorithms such as Google's PageRank, of algorithms for mining frequent itemsets, association rules and frequent subgraphs, of algorithms to analyze the structure of large graphs such as social network graphs, and of the map-reduce principle to design parallel algorithms.

  1. Finding Similar Items
  2. Stream Data Analysis
  3. PageRank
  4. MapReduce
  5. Mining Frequent Itemsets
  6. Mining Frequent Subgraphs
  7. Mining Social Network Graphs
  8. Recommender Systems

This class will be taught online, through video lectures.

Lecture Recordings


Time table

Examination dates

1st Exam: Written exam on Thursday, July 29, 2021 12:00-14:00 in Lockschuppen Bielefeld (location may change)

2nd Exam: Online exam on Tuesday, September 28, 2021 (time tbd)